Testimony & Reviews

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Monday - Friday | 9:00am - 5:00pm CST

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You are chosen

you have been chosen for a time as this,
Don't be afraid to use your gifts.
The Lord has called you to be his,
Now walk in a way where you're glorifying him.

When you're chosen it does come with trails,
But know that when you're walking with the Lord this is vital.
You're called to be set apart and holy,
Not to live unrighteously and unholy.

You are chosen by the most high God,
So walk in a way where he will applaud.
El Roi the God who sees you in plain sight,
Which shows his love for you with all his might.

Who can ever comprehend his love,
Which isn't earthly and truly comes from above.
Nothing can ever separate you from being chosen,
So keep walking in a way where you'll praise the one who has risen.

step two

Step Title Goes Here

Cupcake tiramisu macaron toffee sweet roll jelly beans pudding pastry. Chocolate bar ice cream tart marshmallow wafer gummies sugar plum marzipan.


step three

Step Title Goes Here

Cupcake tiramisu macaron toffee sweet roll jelly beans pudding pastry. Chocolate bar ice cream tart marshmallow wafer gummies sugar plum marzipan.


step four

Step Title Goes Here

Cupcake tiramisu macaron toffee sweet roll jelly beans pudding pastry. Chocolate bar ice cream tart marshmallow wafer gummies sugar plum marzipan.


step five

Step Title Goes Here

Cupcake tiramisu macaron toffee sweet roll jelly beans pudding pastry. Chocolate bar ice cream tart marshmallow wafer gummies sugar plum marzipan.


"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." - John 3:16 NIV

The gospel is that our savior Jesus Christ was
 sent into the world to live a life we should've
 lived and died a death we should've died. He took our place on the cross atoning for our sins. He gave up his divine privileges as God to come into flesh form to live a perfect life and he became a perfect sacrifice to save this world. He thought of you even when you were his enemy. His love for you is unconditional! You are saved by his grace and what Jesus Christ did on the cross & not by going to church every Sunday or by your works. If you believe in your heart whole hardly that Jesus Christ came on earth and died on a cross for you and that he was risen from the dead 3 days later by God then you shall be saved!!! 
He can change your life and save you from the life that you're living leading to death. For the wages of sins is death (Romans 6:23) but Jesus Christ came to bring life. RECEIVE THAT FREE GIFT OF LIFE!